Washington State Energy Code Commercial Compliance Website
When NEEA decided to develop a new online tool to streamline the documentation and compliance verification process for the WSEC, they trusted our expert team with this ambitious project.
See below for information about how this project supports commercial energy code compliance.

We developed a new commercial WA State Energy Code (WSEC) compliance documentation website for the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). This new resource streamlines the process of determining which energy code requirements apply to a project and assists with verification that the project meets these requirements. This website was developed in partnership with Parthenon Software Group and online education and resource developer Building Media, Inc.
This website is built upon a flexible platform that is readily adaptable to accommodate energy code updates and new scope in future code editions. It has also been structured so it can be expanded to support other codes. We have developed a user-friendly platform that can be operated on multiple devices (computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone).
This website consolidates all relevant WSEC-related information into one place for easy reference. Core features include a WSEC documents portal, searchable frequently asked questions and information about how to request one-on-one support from our technical support team.
It incorporates pop-up information and “Learning Moments” that guide users through the applicable energy code requirements as they enter their project information. It runs energy code compliance verification checks and offers guidance for alternative compliance paths when available (such as prescriptive versus UA trade-off compliance for envelope).

The website generates two types of output reports that are submitted to the jurisdiction to demonstrate how the project complies with the applicable energy code requirements:
SMART Requirements List provides consolidated project-specific lists of energy code requirements based on a brief survey of project information for each discipline. This can be used in early design and as a QA/QC resource.
SMART Forms organize all of the project information entered by the user into a summary report and presents compliance verification results for the energy code details that the webtool supports.
WSEC commercial compliance documentation webtools are available now for the 2015 and 2018 WSEC provisions for envelope, lighting and mechanical. A webtool for the 2018 WSEC service water heating provisions will be available in the fall of 2021.
Click here to explore the WSEC Commercial Compliance website